Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Project David 2.0 at 4 months - 40.2 pounds

Today marks 4 months since I started Project David 2.0! And today the scale showed that I have now lost 40.2 pounds so it is flour time! For those that have been following along since the start of this project you know the story of the flour, for those new to my blog, every time I lose 10 pounds I buy a 10 pound bag of flour which I place on my desk in my home office. A great representation of the weight I've lost since I started this. (Notice the storm trooper lego mini fig in front of the middle bag. Wonder how many mini figs it would take to reflect my weight loss!)

A couple of weeks ago I didn't think I would hit this milestone by the 4 month mark. Starting with Thanksgiving weekend, big traditional dinner, leftovers, dining out several times over that weekend. I actually came out of the holiday weekend up just 1.5 pounds. Not too bad. The next challenge was that I started my new position at Best Buy the Monday after Thanksgiving. Nearly a week of orientation, and team lunches. Stayed flat for that week. When I've been averaging losing 2.5 pounds a week, being up 1.5 over nearly 2 weeks necessitated some extra cardio sessions to increase my calorie burn and bring me back inline with my average.

I continue to be amazed at my progress and the changes that have occurred. It has come much quicker than I ever imagined. One of my incremental goals was to lose 25 pounds by Christmas, which happened before we got to Halloween. I never really imagined how this would impact my clothing, and well, I've had to replace basically everything. I've asked for clothes for Christmas because I need everything. And I imagine come spring I'll need everything again as I hit my final goal weight.

Here are some statistics during Project David 2.0:
  1. 40.2 pounds lost in 4 months
  2. 1.2 points - the amount I've lowered my A1C in 4 months (6.6 to 5.4)
  3. 268.98 miles walked on the treadmill since September 30 (took me 6 weeks to add cardio)
  4. 513,201 steps logged on my Fitbit since I got it on November 12
  5. 2 pant sizes dropped
  6. 1.5"off of my neck. Sure is easier to find shirts now!
My original goal was 61.6 pounds. This number was based on what I thought might be attainable in 11 months time, and as I was getting ready to start this I was looking at the Body Mass Index and wondered what it would take to move to a healthy classification. I didn't think that number was possible, and also knowing that the BMI table doesn't take into consideration body composition, so I figured 61.6 was good enough. I really need to (and should have done this before I started) get my body fat measured and base my goal on that. I do know that I'll be revising my target weight in January, as I am realizing that I have more than 20 more pounds that I can afford to lose. Right now, I am excited with the thought of getting below 200 (6.4 pounds from now) for the first time since, well, probably 20 years ago if not longer.

Thanks for reading and thanks for everyone's support. I couldn't do this without all of the encouragement that you all give me!