Today marks 8 weeks since I started project David 2.0 (What is David 2.0?) and today also marks the second 10 pound bag of flour added to my desk! As of today's weigh in, I've lost 20.2 pounds. Can't believe how big those two bags of flour are, and that used to be part of me.
When I started this project I had hoped to lose 25 pounds by Christmas. I thought that would be a major accomplishment. I had no idea that I would be this far a head of my progress goal. I have no idea how the pace will continue as I work towards my goal of 61.6 pounds. I will not assume that it will continue as it has, but I am hoping that the daily cardio work out I started on 9/30 will help keep it close to this pace. I'm not a runner, but I am walking for 45 minutes every night and the pace has me up to 2.6 miles a night.
I feel great. I had no idea that taking 20 pounds off would feel this great. When I lost weight several years ago, it was over an extended period of time, and I don't remember really being aware of the changes. Maybe in part because I still should have lost more weight, and in part because it was much more gradual and the results were not as obvious. Today, my clothes are clearly getting too big. I joked that one of the goals I set was to donate all of my clothes by Spring. Not sure I'll be able to hold out. I've already dropped a shirt size. Pants are starting to hang on me, and when I needed to wear a shirt and tie a couple of weeks ago, I had extra room in the neck!! I know what will be on my list for Christmas - the gift we hated getting as a kid, clothes.
25 pounds is my first goal. At 30 pounds I'll be close to half way and plan to go in and have my A1C tested (Type II diabetic) I am not sure how the weight loss and diet change will impact it, but I am hoping that at some point I'll be able to reduce the medications that I am on. And maybe it won't be much of a change until I get to the 61.6 pound goal. Can't wait to find out!
Add your picture... You know that apple cider vinegar is a great supplement to incorporate in your diet. Hope I have been able to help who needs it. Thx David 2.0 and if you need any support my posts only get about 8 reads on Earth but is read by billions.