Tuesday, October 4, 2011

S'mores - it doesn't get much better

The kids have been wanting to have a fire in our "fire pit" so that they could roast marshmallows and make s'mores. Too many activities this weekend when it was in the low 60's kept us from doing it. Tonight, when it had been 84 degrees today, we made a fire and made s'mores.

It is so relaxing to sit around the fire with the kids, marshmallows on the sticks, the kids waiting for daddy to set his on fire. After all, a marshmallow isn't roasted until you've had to blow out the flames.

It was a great evening, clear sky, and as the temperature cooled off, the warmth of the fire felt great. My wife and I shared with the kids memories of when we were kids and going to church camp every summer. What it was like to sit around the bonfire every night, under the stars.

I never get tired of a fire, especially outdoors. Hopefully we'll have a few more this year. I know the kids are hoping for more fires so that they can roast more marshmallows and make more s'mores.

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